Suite 304 RPA Medical Centre, 100 Carillon Avenue, Newtown NSW 2042
The Rotundum Positioning Chair is a mechanical chair that enables treatment of benign positional vertigo under video guidance. While more than 90% of BPV is treatable at the bedside, the Rotundum is useful when BPV affects more than one semicircular canal or is difficult to treat at the bedside due to a limited range of neck movement, physical disability or where an unusual eye-movement (atypical positional nystagmus) is observed. The test is performed after a 3 hour fast.
Pre-medication with anti-nauseants (prochlorperazine, ondansetron) is recommended for patients with motion sensitivity.
The test itself takes 5-10 minutes. Preparation and explanation take 10 minutes.
A majority of balance function tests examine the pathways from the inner ear balance organs to the eyes (vestibulo ocular reflexes).
Vestibulospinal reflex tests assess balance pathways to the trunk and limbs. These tests use a low intensity vibration pulse or electrical pulse to activate the balance organs and record the resultant muscle response (using electromyography or EMG) and whole body displacement (using a force platform or 3D motion capture system).
These tests are still used chiefly in research but hold promise as methods of assessing imbalance and gait disturbance.
Suite 304 RPA Medical Centre
100 Carillon Avenue
Newtown NSW 2042
For urgent referrals please message / call 0478 183 126. Our aim is to see all urgent referrals ASAP.
FAX 02 8330 6323
Please note a referral is needed before appointments are made, in order to ensure you are offered the correct service for your medical problem.