Suite 304 RPA Medical Centre, 100 Carillon Avenue, Newtown NSW 2042

Clinic and Laboratory

Dr Miriam Welgampola

Dr Miriam Welgampola

Director, Neuro-otologist

Dr Miriam Welgampola is an Associate Professor of Neurology at the Central Clinical School, University of Sydney and a Senior Staff Neurologist at RPA Hospital. Born in Sri Lanka, Miriam was awarded a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery MBBS(Hons) in 1994 from the University of New South Wales. Having completed basic physicians training at the Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick, she undertook a PhD in vestibular physiology (1999-2003) and post doctoral research at the Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience, University College London (2003-2005) and at the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University (2006). Miriam undertook the Australasian Neurology Fellowship at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London in 2005.

Miriam's clinical work focuses on ictal assessment of acute vestibular syndromes presenting to the emergency room, early diagnosis of vestibular disorders by event monitoring and treatment of intractable positional vertigo (BPV). Her translational research focuses on “capturing” acute vertigo in the frontline (emergency department and general practice) and Machine Learning applications in Neuro-otology. She supervises six doctoral fellows from the disciplines of Medicine, Nursing, Audiology and Engineering.

Currently active research projects

  • Vestibular Event Monitoring in the Emergency Department
  • Pre- and Post-surgical Vestibular Function in Cochlear Implantation
  • Using Telehealth and Machine Learning to Optimise Diagnosis of Vestibular Disorders
  • Defining the Profiles of Common Vestibular Disorders
  • Exploring Non-Prescription Therapies for Treatment of Vestibular Migraine
  • Treating Vestibular Failure with Virtual Reality based Rehabilitation

Professional Memberships

Dr Benjamin Nham

Dr Benjamin Nham

Neurologist, Neuro-otologist

Dr Benjamin Nham is a Consultant Neurologist and Neuro-otologist. He obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of New South Wales with first class honours. He was awarded the James McLeod Advanced Trainee award during his neurology training. After finishing Neurology specialist training at Royal Prince Alfred and Campbelltown Hospitals, he completed a Neuro-otology subspecialty fellowship at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. He previously worked as a Consultant Visiting Medical Officer at RPA Hospital.

Dr Nham is currently a Consultant Staff Specialist Neurologist at Sutherland Hospital. He completed a PhD in vertigo and dizziness in the emergency setting (2018-2022) at the University of Sydney. He is also an avid teacher and holds clinical lecturer appointments at the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales.

  Benjamin can also consult in both Cantonese and Mandarin.

Dr Chao Wang

Dr Chao Wang

Neurologist, Neuro-otologist

Dr Chao Wang is an Australian trained Neurologist and Neuro-otologist. He obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Sydney. He completed Neurology specialist training at Concord Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital, followed by a two-year Fellowship in Neuro-otology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. His subspecialty expertise is in the diagnosis and management of vertigo and imbalance, but he also enjoys seeing a broad range of neurological conditions.

In addition to his clinical work, Chao is actively involved in research. He has a Master of Philosophy and is currently completing his PhD with the University of Sydney which examines the applications of machine learning techniques for the diagnosis of vertigo. He was awarded a Research Scholarship by the Passe & Williams Foundation and has presented his research at conferences in Australia and overseas.

  Chao can also consult in Mandarin.

Dr Nicholas Yang

Dr Nicholas Yang

Neurologist, Neuro-otologist

Dr Nicholas Yang is a Neurologist with clinical neurophysiology training and a subspecialty interest in neuro-otology. He completed his Undergraduate medical training at Bond University, Gold Coast (2010-2014) and Neurology specialist training at The Northern Hospital, The Alfred Hospital and Royal Hobart Hospital. He gained experience in Neuro-otology during his work at The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne – with Dr Luke Chen and Dr John Waterson. During his time at the Alfred Hospital he helped author a clinical guideline to incorporate the use of video frenzel goggles into the assessment of all patients presenting with vertigo and dizziness to the emergency department. Nicholas is currently completing a PhD at the University of Sydney, which examines the spatiotemporal characteristics of positional nystagmus and aims to use Machine Learning to help differentiate central positional vertigo and benign positional vertigo through their unique nystagmus profiles.

Dr Sally Rosengren

Dr Sally Rosengren

Pyschologist, Neuroscientist

Sally Rosengren is a psychologist and neuroscientist with over 20 years experience in vestibular/balance research. In the clinic, she specializes in treating patients with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD, or ‘Three PD’). Dr Rosengren obtained her Bachelor of Science (Psychology) from the University of Newcastle in 1999. Following this, she began work in balance research at Prince of Wales Hospital and the University of New South Wales, where she studied vestibular reflexes. She obtained her PhD in vestibular neurophysiology from the University of New South Wales in 2009. Following this, Dr Rosengren completed post-doctoral research on oVEMPs (ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials) at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. On her return to Sydney, Dr Rosengren established her research laboratory at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, where she supervises PhD and Masters scholars from the disciplines of Audiology, Neurology and Otolaryngology. Sally is an Honorary Research Fellow at RPAH and a Conjoint Clinical Senor Lecturer at Sydney University. Her current research interests include the properties of vestibular reflexes, characteristics of vestibular disorders and the cognitive effects of vestibular dysfunction. Alongside her research, Dr Rosengren has maintained a keen interest in psychology and PPPD. She completed a Master of Clinical Neuropsychology at Macquarie University in 2007 and a Graduate Diploma in Counselling at Western Sydney University in 2022.

Belinda Kwok

Belinda Kwok

Research Audiologist

Belinda is a Research Audiologist who performs hearing and vestibular function tests at the clinic. Belinda completed her studies at Macquarie University; first with a Bachelor in Speech and Hearing Sciences in 2014, followed by a Master of Clinical Audiology in 2016. Her previous work experience involved working at Cochlear Limited as a Research Audiologist in product development, and a clinical specialist in the Australia and New Zealand team.

She is currently completing a PhD at the University of Sydney examining the effects of Cochlear implantation on vestibular function. Belinda is an all-rounder, with expertise in evoked potential testing, vestibular event-monitoring and video head impulse testing.

Alyssa Dyball

Alyssa Dyball

Research Audiologist

Alyssa Dyball is a clinically trained research Audiologist. She graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology with First Class Honours and a Master of Research at Macquarie University. After a gap year in Germany, Alyssa returned to Australia to complete a master’s degree in Clinical Audiology at Macquarie University, where she graduated with the Macquarie University Award for Academic Excellence. She has since worked in both the public and private sector in New Zealand and regional NSW before assuming a position as a Vestibular Audiologist in Sydney. Her PhD will investigate the late components of the oVEMP reflex in a variety of clinical populations where the vestibulo-ocular reflex is affected, including common and rare vestibular disorders both peripheral and central.

Magdalena Amarilla

Magdalena Amarilla

Practice Manager

Magdalena, our practice manager, joins us after 16 years as a Medical Secretary at the Neurology Department, RPA Hospital. Having first studied architecture, she also holds a diploma in Front Desk Management and has extensive experience in medical secretarial work. Magdalena is a lover of opera, a seasoned traveller and Tango buff. She brings flair and fun to the work environment while ensuring the smooth running of our busy clinic.

Grace Magsombol

Grace Magsombol

Administration Officer

Grace is our senior research and administration officer who has completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Lyceum of the Philippines University. She has since worked as an Emergency Department Nurse and Paediatric nurse in the Philippines and Dubai before joining us. Grace is fun loving, studious and compassionate and enjoys being the in-house geek who fields our technical problems. Her background in nursing and cheery personality ensures our patients are well looked after.

Rhealyn Pascal

Rhealyn Pascal

Research and Administrator Officer

Rhealyn joins us after completing a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) at the University of Sydney. With her prior extensive experience as a research assistant in both the United States and Australia, she not only coordinates patient bookings but also plays an active role in assisting with clinical research.

Overseas Fellows

Dr Diego Herrero

Dr Diego Herrero

Dr Diego Herrero is a Neuro-Otologist, Vascular Neurologist and Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Clinica Alemana- Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago de Chile). Diego is a visiting academic, who during his time in our clinic, has been leading research projects on bilateral vestibular loss, cerebellar ataxia and virtual reality rehabilitation in vestibular disorders.

Dr Miranda Morrison

Dr Miranda Morrison

Dr Miranda Morrison is a surgeon and a Neuro-otology research fellow from Bern, Switzerland. With 10 years of experience in Otolaryngology, Dr. Morrison completed her clinical training with Professor Thomas Linder at the 'Luzerner Kantonsspital' in Switzerland. She holds a Neuro-otology Diploma from the University of Bordeaux (France) and an MD from the ‘Inselspital’ (Bern, Switzerland). Her previous work in Bern’s ‘Inselspital’ with Professor Mantokoudis focuses on the use of video-oculography (VOG) in differentiating stroke patients from vestibular neuritis in Acute Vestibular Syndrome (AVS). Miranda’s current doctoral research will establish the first primary health based clinic for vestibular event-monitoring worldwide. Her work will examine the efficacy and accuracy of telehealth assisted vertigo diagnosis in primary care.


Dr Andrew Bradshaw PhD

Dr Andrew Bradshaw PhD

Engineer / Postdoctoral Researcher

Andrew is a staff Engineer at RPA Hospital. As our engineering collaborator, Andrew has developed innovative software tools for assessing 3D eye movements. He is an expert LabVIEW developer who completed his PhD in three-dimensional temporal bone anatomy in 2013. His current work focuses on the development of new, user-friendly techniques of assessing human balance pathways. Andrew also develops video simulations to facilitate a better understanding of eye movement disorders that accompany vertigo and imbalance. His research topics include eye movement disorders, benign positional vertigo, evoked potentials and superior canal dehiscence.

Cheryl Rivas

Cheryl Rivas

It has been over 12 months since Cheryl, our lab manager, left the clinic. Cheryl first trained as a theatre nurse in the Philippines and later turned to medical research and administration at The Balance Clinic. Although currently fully occupied in her work for a busy medical practice elsewhere, Cheryl continues to provide moral support, friendship and mentorship to our clinicians, researchers and administrators.

Suite 304 RPA Medical Centre
100 Carillon Avenue
Newtown NSW 2042

   02 8004 5350

For urgent referrals please message / call 0478 183 126. Our aim is to see all urgent referrals ASAP.

FAX   02 8330 6323

Please note a referral is needed before appointments are made, in order to ensure you are offered the correct service for your medical problem.

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